Summary: Ever since the enactment of new regulations after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the children of Iraqi women married to foreign nationals are no longer entitled to the same rights and services offered by the government to those of full Iraqi...
[BAGHDAD, 18 Oct 2006] - Thousands of students have been forced to stay at home due to escalating violence across the country. Attendance rates for the new school year, which started on 20 September, are a record low, according to the Ministry of...
Summary: This global report was launched during the week of the presentation of the UN Study on Violence Against Children in New York on 12 October. The report is part of a submission to the Violence Study.As the UN Secretary-General’s Study...
[CAIRO, 10 September 2006] – Amid widespread sectarian violence in Iraq, Palestinian refugees in Iraq face particularly grave security threats, including targeted killings by mostly Shi`a militant groups and harassment by the Iraqi government...
[24 August 2006] - The first day of school is a special day in the lives of children, but yesterday tens of thousands of kids in Jordan spent it at home. They are foreigners — mostly Iraqis — whom the government has not allowed...
[BASRA, 8 August 2006] - Children who play in piles of rotting garbage throughout the city of Basra, some 550km south of Baghdad, are increasingly suffering from typhoid fever as well as fungal and bacterial skin diseases, doctors said. Up to...
Summary: The project uses art and photographs to connect children in Iraq with children in the United States. It offers children, on both side of the exchange, an opportunity to express themselves and tell a personal story about their particular...
Un informe de la organización defensora de los derechos de los niños denominada Protect Children, Not Guns revela que durante el 2003 unos 2 mil 827 menores de 20 años perdieron la vida por un arma de fuego en el país, que registró un...
Summary: The latest data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 2,827 children and teens died from gunfire in the United States in 2003 - one child or teen about every three hours, nearly eight every day, 54 children and...
[BASRA, 9 July 2006] - NGOs devoted to health issues in southern Iraq say that dozens of children have died of relatively common diseases since January due to a lack of medicine. "There are no official statistics about the number of...