Summary: This year's theme is 'Lead, Empower, Deliver'As the world takes stock of its efforts to address the epidemic, at least one children’s organisation was warning against spending cuts on HIV and AIDS in light of the global financial...
Although sandwiched between the Convention on the Right's of the Child's 18th and 20th birthdays, this year's Universal Children's Day, which falls on 20 November, has nonetheless been marked with a flurry of activity across...
[COLOMBO, 15 August 2008] - Few die at childbirth, most go to primary school and almost all are vaccinated at the right time, but the sizeable number of Sri Lankan children who are stunted, wasted and underweight for their age are a cause for...
The General Assembly,Reaffirming the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations, including developing friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,...
[7 de mayo de 2008] - Un grupo de organizaciones no gubernamentales subrayaron hoy que el deteriorado historial de Sri Lanka en derechos humanos es un impedimento para que ese país asiático ocupe un puesto en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos (CDH) de...
[NEW YORK, 7 May 2008] – Sri Lanka’s worsening human rights record and failed promises for improvement undermine its claim for a place on the UN Human Rights Council, a coalition of more than 20 national and international nongovernmental...
[COLOMBO, 28 April 2008] - A Sri Lankan state-backed former Tamil Tiger rebel group, accused of abductions and killings, has freed 28 child soldiers, UNICEF said, welcoming the second major release in two weeks.The TMVP, made up of fighters who...
Summary: There is virtually no safety for children in Sri Lanka as the brutal armed conflict there escalates. Every day the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE), the Government armed forces, and paramilitary groups, such as the military wing of...
In Arabic[3 April 2008] – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has welcomed the entry into force of the first international treaty on the human rights of persons with disabilities, after the required twentieth country ratified the landmark...
[COLOMBO, 25 February 2008] - LTTE is continuing to "forcibly train" children in its stronghold in northern Sri Lanka, before returning them to their normal environment, the government has alleged. "This (LTTE) terrorist group...