Summary: UKRAINE: President approves mandatory curfew for children (Russian)
Власти всерьез обеспокоились судьбой украинских подростков. После введения за последние несколько лет в ряде украинских городов «комендантского часа» для...
Summary: A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National Report', the 'Compilation of UN Information' and the 'Summary of Stakeholders...
Summary: In Ukraine, June 1 marks Children’s Day. However, an alarming number of teenage girls, many escaping problems at home, have turned to prostitution. Around 11-15 thousand according to UNICEF.[31 May 2013] -
The country is also suffering from...
Summary: UKRAINE: Teen prostitution fuels spread of HIV (Russian)
Накануне Международного дня защиты детей украинское отделение Детского фонда ООН ЮНИСЕФ опубликовало тревожную статистику о подростковой проституции и распространении среди этой...
Summary: This report summarises the status of children's rights in Ukraine vis-a-vis European human rights mechanisms.Search CRIN's ratifications table to find regional instruments to which Ukraine is a party.
European Court of Human Rights
Summary: CRINMAIL is a monthly newsletter in Russian language. Newsletter provides analysis of issues relating to children's rights and global advocacy efforts, as well as gives digest of news and resources from countries of Eurasia....
Summary: UKRAINE: A graduate of Odessa boarding school for "difficult" children: "Director tore my mouth and beat my head on the desk" (Russian)
Воспитанников Фонтанской школы-интерната для «трудных» детей (школа...
[VINNYTSYA, 4 December 2012] - Oleksandra (Sasha) Berehuta, 13, recently went to school for the first time.
Sasha had had to study at home. She is wheelchair-bound, and school buildings were not fit for students like Sasha – children with...
Summary: UNICEF: Ukraine should not spend money on special rehabilitation schools (Russian)
Глава представительства Детского фонда ООН (ЮНИСЕФ) на Украине Юкие Мокуо обратилась с призывом к властям Украины прекратить помещать детей в школы...
Summary: Dans les pays d'Europe de l'est, de plus en plus de mineurs sont victimes de réseaux qui les forcent à se prostituer, à travailler comme des esclaves, à mendier ou commettre des délits, et la si prévention est cruciale, elle est difficile.[...