Summary: Currently, parents can use a defence of “reasonable chastisement” if any legal issues arise. [30 December 2011] - The government is considering an outright ban on parents smacking their children, Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald...
[19 December 2011] - A new wording for a referendum next year to strengthen children’s rights in the Constitution is being finalised by Government officials.
Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald says she hopes to secure cross-party support...
Menu: The concept of Ombudsperson | Why establish an Ombudsperson? | An Ombudsperson for children | The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) | Why an Ombudsperson for children? | ...
[16 November 2011] - The government must find an alternative to locking up young offenders next to hardened criminals in north Dublin’s Mountjoy Prison after pulling the plug on the Thornton Hall super-prison, the Children’s...
Summary: Being legally recognised as an ethnic minority would give Travellers stronger legal rights in the areas of health, education, housing, culture and language. [7 October 2011] - Travellers could be designated as an ethnic minority, the Irish...
[27 September 2011] - The abuse and exploitation of tens of thousands of Irish children in State-funded institutions, as detailed in the Ferns, Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne reports, is arguably the gravest and most systemic human rights failure in...
Summary: Les abus sexuels commis par des religieux catholiques sur des "dizaines de milliers" d'enfants en Irlande pendant plusieurs décennies peuvent être qualifiés pour certains d'actes de torture, a estimé lundi 26 septembre l'organisation...
[26 de septiembre de 2011] - Amnistía Internacional (AI) ha calificado de tortura los abusos sexuales, físicos y psicológicos sufridos por miles de menores en instituciones gestionadas por el Estado irlandés y la...
Summary: The abuse of thousands of innocent children in State and church run institutions in Ireland amounted to torture, a scathing report from Amnesty International has found. [26 September 2011] - Amnesty International Ireland said today that the...
The abuse and exploitation of tens of thousands of Irish children in State funded institutions as detailed in the report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (the Ryan Report) and the abuse detailed in the Ferns, Murphy (Dublin) and...