Summary: Kimasomaso, which means "to speak out boldly" in Kiswahili, is a weekly radio series which explores sexual and reproductive health issues with and by young people. Funding has come from the Ford Foundation. Issues that have been...
[KIGALI, 8 June 2006] – Thousands of genocide survivors, whose school fees should be paid by a solidarity fund, no longer attend school and live in difficult conditions, said six members of the Rwandan Parliament in a report published this...
[NEW YORK, 15 mai 2006] – Des centaines de personnes, dont de nombreux enfants, sont incarcérées dans des conditions déplorables dans un centre de détention non officiel situé dans le quartier Gikondo de la...
The genocide in 1994, combined with the impacts of HIV/AIDS, has created thousands of orphans in Rwanda. These orphans – many the heads of households – urgently need land use rights. A weakened system of guardianship and increasing...
[New York, May 15, 2006] - Hundreds of persons, many of them children, are being held in deplorable conditions in an unofficial detention center in the Gikondo neighborhood of the Rwandan capital Kigali, Human Rights Watch said in a briefing paper...
Summary: Rwandan children still suffer the devastating consequences of the 1994 genocide and the war that preceded and followed it, this 80-page report says. HRW documents the widespread abuse and exploitation of children in 1994 and since.
Summary: The overall objective of the course, from a development perspective, is to enhance the right to relevant education to all - an education that empowers the poor and excluded parts of the population to participate as active and informed...
Child Helpline International is charged with establishing and strengthening a world wide network of child helplines with the objective of having a child helpline in almost every country and representing the child helpline movement at the...
Summary: World Vision Rwanda is undertaking an anti-HIV/AIDS campaign in the schools of Rebero district, in northern Rwanda, in order to increase knowledge and change in behaviour among school pupils and teachers regarding HIV/AIDS. World...
ChildRight is an organisation that fights for
child rights. It has projects all over the world
for victims of sexual exploitation and child
labour. ChildRight is an international fund set
up by more than one hundred Nobel
Laureates (including...