Summary: At the end of its 11-day visit to Greece, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention noted that the time has come for an improvement of conditions of detention and for the effective implementation of recent positive legislative...
This research looks at the intra EU migration of Romanian and Bulgarian children to France and Greece in situations of vulnerability. It focuses on the return procedures that are used by countries and assesses the latter...
Summary: L'Italie renvoie de manière sommaire des mineurs migrants non accompagnés et des demandeurs d'asile adultes vers la Grèce, où ils subissent les dysfonctionnements du système d'asile et des conditions de détention abusives. [Le 23...
Summary: This report documents the failure of Italian border police at the Adriatic ports of Ancona, Bari, Brindisi, and Venice to screen adequately for people in need of protection, in violation of Italy’s legal obligations. Human Rights Watch...
Summary: Les mineurs non accompagnés, pour la plupart des garçons originaires d’Afghanistan, d’Iran, du Pakistan et de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, sont particulièrement vulnérables aux difficultés rencontrées par les migrants en Grèce, nombre d'entre eux...
Summary: Unaccompanied minors, most of them teenage boys from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and West Africa, are particularly vulnerable to the hardships of migrant life in Greece, with many living on the street. [17 October 2012] - By early evening,...
To educate the public, the bar (lawyers), and the judiciary (judges) about the harm caused by all forms of childhood genital cutting, including female genital cutting (also known as female genital mutilation or FGM), male genital cutting (also known...
Summary: General overview of Greece's national legal provisions on children's rights, including guidance on how to conduct further research.National laws on children's rights
Status of the CRC in national lawUnder article 28 of the Greek...
Summary: Information about institutions in Greece that monitor children's rights.Children's Ombudsperson
There is a Children's Rights Department within the Independent Authority of the Greek Ombudsman, a department which the Committee on the Rights...
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This is done with the intention of identifying children's rights which have been repeatedly violated, as well as gaps in the issues...