2,5 millions d'enfants sont non scolarisés ou déscolarisés. 600.000 enfants âgés de 7 à 14 ans travaillent, soit 11 pour cent de ce groupe d'âge.Chiffre réfuté puisqu'il pourra...
Le Maroc a signé la Convention des droits des enfants, mais la réalité accuse de nombreuses lacunes.Il est 10 heures du matin. Un groupe d'enfants dont l'âge varie de 6 à 13 ans, s'acharne sur un ballon à...
Summary: World sanitation crisis causes millions of avoidable deaths, and contamination from human waste is largely to blame, says UNDP’s Human Development Report.[CAPE TOWN, 9 November 2006] - Simply installing a flush toilet in the home increases...
Summary: First global study on cluster submunitions asualties: civilians account for 98 per cent of cluster munitions casualties.[GENEVA/BRUSSELS, 2 November 2006] – Civilians constitute 98 per cent of all recorded cluster submunitions...
Summary: This global report was launched during the week of the presentation of the UN Study on Violence Against Children in New York on 12 October. The report is part of a submission to the Violence Study.As the UN Secretary-General’s Study...
Summary: Planete Enfants, french organisation founded in 1992, has implemented a nationwide three-year programme in Nepal to prevent and combat human trafficking between Nepal and India with the support of the EC, DFID and UNICEF. The 2005 Annual...
Elle a trois mois et boit son biberon toute seule, couchée dans son lit à barreau. On a coincé le flacon entre les pattes d'un ours en peluche posé sur sa poitrine. Comment faire autrement ? Il n'y a dans cet orphelinat,...
Summary: Report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and 1st December 2005.The report is also available in Arabic.Infomation about the workshopExecutive summary in English / ArabicOwner: Arab Resource...
Summary: Executive summary of a report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and 1st December 2005.Infomation about the workshopWorkshop report in EnglishExecutive summary in EnglishOwner: Arab Resource...
Summary: Executive summary of a report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and 1st December 2005.Owner: Arab Resource Collective, Save the Children Sweden, Save the Children Denmarkpdf: http://www.crin.org/...