Summary: In Russia and Kazakhstan children are taken to intensive care after sub-standard vaccination (Russian)
В Приморском крае России по факту госпитализации двух школьниц после проведения вакцинации возбуждено уголовное дело о халатности....
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This is done with the intention of identifying children's rights which have been repeatedly violated, as well as gaps in the issues...
Summary: CRINMAIL is a monthly newsletter in Russian language. Newsletter provides analysis of issues relating to children's rights and global advocacy efforts, as well as gives digest of news and resources from countries of Eurasia....
1 Committee on the Rights of the Child Day of General Discussion State Violence Against Children Friday, 22 September 2000 – OHCHR (Palais Wilson, Geneva) Submission by Russian NGOs 2 Russia: State Violence Against Children Russian NGOs...
Summary: RUSSIA: Duma plans to limit migrants children's access to schools (Russian)
В Госдуму внесен законопроект, ужесточающий правила приема детей иностранцев в детские сады и школы.
Согласно законопроекту, чтобы устроить детей в школу или...
[5 de septiembre de 2013] -
La homosexualidad será causa para la privación de la patria potestad de aprobarse un proyecto de ley presentado hoy a la Duma del Estado, la Cámara de Diputados de Rusia.La iniciativa...
Summary: RUSSIA: City council seized by students promises a new school by 2014 (Russian)
Несколько десятков человек, среди которых родители с детьми, устроили в четверг утром акцию протеста против закрытия школы №740 - единственной в Молжаниново...
[11 de septiembre de 2013] -
Millones de personas con discapacidad en Rusia siguen afrontando importantes obstáculos que impiden su participación en la sociedad. En 177 días, Rusia se convertirá en la...
[5 September 2013] -
Working in a St. Petersburg restaurant after high school, Kristina Kochetkova was prepared for long hours and rude customers. She didn’t expect her boss to goad her in front of her co-workers for having two mothers...
Summary: RUSSIA: Concerns about conditions of detention of illegal migrants and their children in Moscow (Russian)
Правозащитники пытаются понять, куда делись дети задержанных в ходе облав нелегальных мигрантов. Их нет ни в палаточном лагере,...