Promouvoir la formation professionnelle et l'éducation de base. Encourager la scolarisation des jeunes filles. Lutter contre la déscolarisation et l'analphabétisation. Former la jeunesse sur le développement au Togo et dans monde Participer...
The Global Fund for Children makes grants to small community-based organisations around the world that help young people develop the knowledge and skills they need to become productive, caring members of our global society. Our grants support formal...
Plan is a non-religious and politically unbiased international humanitarian development aid organisation. Plan has a clear grassroots profile and works with organisations and groups formed by local people. Plan provides people with the opportunities...
The West- African country of Togo borders Ghana, Benin and Burkina Faso, opening out onto the Gulf of Guinea in the south. After independence from France a short period of democracy was followed by the long dictatorship of Eyadéma Gnassingb...
Summary: Amnesty International commended the commitment shown by those African states that have ratified the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (the African Children's Charter). Amnesty International commended the commitment...
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow-up procedures. This does not include the Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child which are...
Summary: This report compiles all mentions of children's rights in the Concluding Observations of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.Last Examined: 2-16 May 2002
The Report was presented by a Delegation led by Principal Private...
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of the UN Special Procedures. This does not include reports of child specific Special Procedures, such as the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child...
Summary: CRIN contacte tous les candidats à l'élection au Comité des Nations Unies sur les droits de l'enfant en Décembre 2012. Nous leur posons des questions à propos de leur expérience en matière de droits des enfants, ce qu'ils pensent pouvoir...
To educate the public, the bar (lawyers), and the judiciary (judges) about the harm caused by all forms of childhood genital cutting, including female genital cutting (also known as female genital mutilation or FGM), male genital cutting (also known...