Summary: En la Serie Documentos Defensoriales – Documento Nº 4 “¡Adiós al Castigo! La Defensoría del Pueblo contra el Castigo Físico y Humillante a Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes”, la Defensoría del Pueblo analizó la problemática del castigo físico y...
Summary: Uma análise do marco legal de 14 países latino-americanos, sob a perspectiva da promoção e proteção.Este paper elaborado pela ANDI e Rede ANDI América Latina com o apoio da Save The Children Suécia traz um mapeamento in...
This report presents the main findings from 3 country reports: Guatemala, Bolivia and Peru. Research indicates that most NGOs work with children who perform light activities, only a few hours a day, and actually tolerated under ILO convention 182....
Summary: Trade liberalisation is likely to have a major impact on the lives of poor children and their families. Although this may be positive in the long run, there may be negative short-term impacts for communities that are unable to adjust...
Summary: This paper presents and discusses the findings of a study on families’ and teachers’ understanding of parental involvement in children’s schooling in public primary schools in Peru. The study was undertaken against a background of...
Summary: Peru is in the process of negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) with the USA which would eliminate trade concessions on most goods and services. This paper analyses the potential impacts of such extensive trade liberalisation for Peru....
Summary: We are currently developing an international guide to human rights pro bono lawyers to accompany our toolkit on strategic litigation. If you know of other pro bono law firms, please let us know at [email protected] Defenders...
In integrating human rights, various actors have uncovered numerous questions about the conceptual and practical application of explicit rights-based approaches (RBAs). While many have accepted the added value of RBAs, others remain to be convinced...
Español[LIMA, 28 November 2007] - Peru's persistently high maternal mortality ratio, the second highest in South America, dramatically illustrates systemic inequities society and reflect systematic violations of human rights and vast...
Los patrones de la mortalidad materna en el Perú ilustran de una manera dramática las inequidades sistémicas que devastan la sociedad peruana en general, y a su vez reflejan las violaciones sistemáticas de los derechos humanos.En una región...