Часть первая.
Общие принципы
1. Основные цели
1.1 Государства-участники должны стремиться, в соответствии со своими общими интересами, способствовать благополучию несовершеннолетнего и его или ее семьи.
1.2 Государства-члены должны...
On June 5 the Georgian Coalition for Children and Youth Welfare organised a public event to present the report Georgia: The Child Protection Index. Measuring the Fulfillment of a Child’s Rights. Government representatives,...
This report by UNICEF reviews the reasons why children may need to resort to justice; the avenues at their disposals – judiciary or not; and the extent to which these are adapted to children. The research was carried out with the International...
Когда ей было 9 лет, Ирина, ныне работающая офис-менеджером в Тбилиси, мечтала стать доктором. Но все сложилось иначе. Ее похитили, она вышла замуж за похитившего ее человека и в 15 лет родила сына.
«Все кончилось, – вспоминает она со...
Global news and developments/ Benin and Andorra achieve full prohibition
Advocacy resources/ Four new publications from the Global Initiative
Updates from the UN and regional...
In 2015, 73 States around the world allowed people to be sentenced to life imprisonment for offences committed while under the age of 18; a further 49 States permited sentences of 15 years or longer and 90 for 10 years or longer. Life imprisonment...
Opening Statement, Item 2, High Commissioner's Annual Report
Mr. President,
Colleagues and Friends,
It is an honour to present to you the work of my Office over the course of 2014. The Annual Report that has...
The latest edition of the Global Initiative’s popular leaflet summarising progress towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment is now available.
'Prohibiting all corporal punishment of children: progress and...
فبراير 2015
بينما تتبجح الحكومات بالحديث المرسل عن أهمية حماية المدنيين. تخاذلت النخب السياسية في العالم، على نحو مريع، عن حماية من هم في أشد الحاجة للحماية. وترى منظمة العفو الدولية أن هذا يمكن أن يتغير، بل لا بد من أن يتغير، في نهاية المطاف.
[February 2015]
This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. We must hope that, looking backward to 2014 in the years to come, what we lives through...