Summary: This Convention is open for signature by the member States of the Council of Europe and the non-member States which have participated in its elaboration, in Strasbourg, on 25 January 1996.Entry into force: 1 July 2000.Summary of the...
Summary: A summary of the development, legal staus, and functions of independent offices for children; includes lengthy bibliography om ombudswork.Owner: UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, Italypdf:
Summary: An information and training pack developed by the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children for all those engaged in the development of independent statutory offices to promote the human rights of children - children’s ombudspersons...
Table of ContentsNews from Eurochild Past Events Upcoming Events News from the European Institutions European Commission Launch of Commission Communication on Children’s Rights School competition on new name for environmental monitoring system...
Summary: Speech by Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe.Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, The drums of "Allons enfants de la batterie" have summoned us out of homes, schools, offices and meeting rooms and into the open to...
Summary: The programme “Building a Europe for and with Children” of the Council of Europe aims to promote the rights of the child and to protect children from all forms of violence. It was decided upon by the 3rd Council of Europe Summit of Heads of...
Building a Europe for and With Children, Monaco 5 AprilNEW: Report of Children and Young People's SeminarDay 2 [for Day 1, click here]Speaking at the launch of the programme ‘Building a Europe for and with Children, last week in Monaco, Jaap...
Summary: Save the Children Brussels produces a monthly newsletter with updates on the work of the office and on new policy developments in the European Union. To subscribe, go to:
Summary: Commission drafts a communication on Children’s Rights • News on EU development and humanitarian aid • Education for Children Affected by Armed Conflict • UN Study on Violence • 46 million in 2005 to help refugees and asylum-seekers • EC...
Summary: The October issue of the Save the Children Brussels Office Newsletter provides information on the activities of the Brussels office as well as on the latest EU policy developments on children’s rights. HIGHLIGHTSMeeting in the...