Summary: Chaque année, des milliers d'enfants meurent dans le monde entier tandis que l’enfance et le développement de millions d'autres sont marqués par des pratiques préjudiciables perpétrées...
Chaque année, des milliers d'enfants meurent dans le monde entier tandis que l’enfance et le développement de millions d'autres sont marqués par des pratiques préjudiciables perpétrées par des parents...
Summary: Following the 1991-2002 civil war, thousands of children who either had to take up arms, had their limbs amputated, lost their family or had to support it are still kept out of school. Instead, they look for diamonds, the mineral that...
Summary: The UN Special Rapporteur on internally displaced persons today welcomed the entering into force of a new regional Convention in Africa to address the plight of millions of displaced persons. The UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of...
Read an update on the project (November 2012)
CRED-PRO (Child Rights Education for Professionals) is intended to foster a critical mass of respect for children, their needs, their rights and their best interests among and through professionals who...
Summary: A year ago, we posted on CRIN an introduction to an 18 month pilot being undertaken to test out a framework and tools designed to monitor and evaluate children’s participation, and to invite potentially interested organisation to take part...
Summary: The Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders in Africa is seeking input for a report on the challenges faced by women defenders in Africa and their protection needs. And with International Women Human Rights Defenders’ Day just around...
Summary: Sierra Leone went to the polls on November 17 and is making a recovery ten years after the civil war. But former child soldiers still suffer from trauma and their surviving victims are still waiting for compensation.[15 November 2011] -...
Summary: CRIN lance avec plusieurs partenaires une campagne pour l'interdiction et l'élimination des sentences inhumaines à l’encontre des enfants — dont la définition comprend peines de mort (1), emprisonnements à perpétuité et châtiments corporels...
Summary: La malnutrition est un problème de santé infantile courant en Sierra Leone et les traditions, comme le « banfa », peuvent mettre la santé des jeunes enfants en danger. [Freetown, le 17 octobre 2012] - Alors qu’elle tente d...