Summary: All states must be urged to abolish deep-rooted prejudices against children who have disabilities and children abandoned by their parents, vigorously address reports of abuse, and ensure that all abandoned and orphaned children, whether...
The Ombudsman is an autonomous independent institution established by the Ombudsman Act adopted in 2003, in force as of 1 January 2004. The first Bulgarian Ombudsman was elected in April 2005.Article 2 of the Ombudsman Act in general terms mandates...
The Ombudsman is an autonomous independent institution established by the Ombudsman Act adopted in 2003, in force as of 1 January 2004. The first Bulgarian Ombudsman was elected in April 2005.
Article 2 of the Ombudsman Act in general terms...
Summary: 15 children with mental and physical disabilities died from shortage of food and the effects of cold, court finds.[19 June 2013] -
The European Court of Human Rights has found Bulgaria in breach of the European Convention on Human...
Summary: This report summarises the status of children's rights in Bulgaria vis-a-vis European human rights mechanisms.Search CRIN's ratifications table to find regional instruments to which Bulgaria is a party.
European Court of Human Rights...
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of the UN Special Procedures. This does not include reports of child specific Special Procedures, such as the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child...
This research looks at the intra EU migration of Romanian and Bulgarian children to France and Greece in situations of vulnerability. It focuses on the return procedures that are used by countries and assesses the latter...
Summary: General overview of Bulgaria's national legal provisions on children's rights, including guidance on how to conduct further research.Status of the CRC in national law:
Article 5(4) of the Bulgarian Constitution states that international...
Summary: Information about institutions in Bulgaria that monitor children's rights.Bulgaria does not have a dedicated Children’s Ombudsperson, but the office of the National Ombudsman has a department that covers children’s rights, the...
Summary: Dans les pays d'Europe de l'est, de plus en plus de mineurs sont victimes de réseaux qui les forcent à se prostituer, à travailler comme des esclaves, à mendier ou commettre des délits, et la si prévention est cruciale, elle est difficile.[...