Summary: This is an analysis of alternative reports that have included children. Español / FrançaisThis is an analysis of alternative reports that have included children. It responds to the gap in information concerning children...
Summary: KYRGYZSTAN: 117 orphanages are reported to violate children's rights (Russian)
В Кыргызстане в 117 домах-интернатах фиксируются факты нарушения прав детей. Об этом сегодня на презентации Альтернативного доклада в Комитет ООН по...
Summary: A 2008 UNICEF study found that over 43 per cent of children with special needs in Kyrgyzstan do not attend school at all. [17 May 2012] - In Kyrgyzstan, and throughout much of the former Soviet Union, a child with cerebral palsy,...
Summary: KYRGYZSTAN: Every third child experiences violence (Russian)
В Кыргызстане каждый третий ребенок подвергается насилию. Об этом сегодня на круглом столе «Детский телефон доверия как способ, содействующий защите прав ребенка от...
Summary: Information about institutions in Kyrgyzstan that monitor children's rights.Children's OmbudspersonAn Ombudsperson was established in Kyrgyzstan by the the Law On the Ombudsman of 2002. The Office includes a Child Protection Division,...
Summary: General overview of Kyrgyzstan's national legal provisions on children's rights, including guidance on how to conduct further research.National laws on children's rights
Status of the CRC in national lawArticle 6 of the Kyrgyz Constitution...
Summary: Young girls Kyrgyzstan are often told they will become brides as a young woman when a man "will come to get them." Numerous young women today fight this process of early forced marriage and kidnapping physically, as well as emotionally....
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This is done with the intention of identifying children's rights which have been repeatedly violated, as well as gaps in the issues...
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of the UN Special Procedures. This does not include reports of child specific Special Procedures, such as the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child...
This report summarises individual observations and direct requests issued by the ILO Committee of Experts related to child labour conventions. To view the full reports, go to the ILOLEX database ( and click...