Summary: This Action Plan was supported in
principle by those attending the NGO
Day at the International Conference
on War-Affected Children and
recommended to the conference as a
whole. Owner: Canadian Children and Armed Conflict Working...
Summary: Un taller preparatorio para menores
de 18 años, miembros de
delegaciones de gobiernos y/o de las
delegaciones de ONGs acreditadas
que asistirán a la tercera reunión del
Comité Preparatorio de la Sesión
Especial de la Asamblea General...
Summary: Held in New York, on April 19, 2001,
Activities discussed include:
- June Prepcom on Special Session
for Children;
- Themeatic day at July Conference;
- Political activities on the issue. SMALL ARMS AND CHILDREN: Preliminary Meeting on...
Summary: The mandate of the Special
Rapporteur on the sale of children,
child prostitution and child
pornography was first created in
1990 by the Commission on Human
Rights in its resolution 1990/68. The
Economic and Social Council, in its...
Summary: This report CRC/C/24 includes the
follow-up of the general discussion
and recommendations concerning
the economic exploitation of children
(paragraph 176 –177), p. 37. It
includes an annex on the day of
general discussion which was...
Summary: Conclusions and recommendations
adopted by the committee on the
Rights of the Child and overview of
its other activities including the
follow-up to the day of general
discussion on the rights of children
with disabilities (Chapter III...
Summary: Following the General Discussion on
“Children in armed conflicts” (1992),
pursuant General Assembly
resolution 48/157 (1993), three
reports were submitted at the
General Assembly by the Secretary-
general. This is the outline of the...
Summary: At its forty-eighth session, the
General Assembly adopted resolution
48/157 entitled "Protection of
children affected by armed conflicts".
In paragraph 10, the General
Assembly invited the Commission on
Human Rights to consider the...
Summary: In the report on the 25th session
(Geneva, 18 September - 6 October
2000) of Committee on the Rights of
the Child can be found the list of the
states that have signed or ratified
the optional protocol to the
Convention on the Rights...
Summary: At its forty-eighth session, the
General Assembly adopted
resolution 48/157
entitled "Protection of children
affected by armed conflicts". In
paragraph 10 of the resolution, the
General Assembly
invited the Commission on Human...