Summary: The portrayal of young people today can often seem negative, focusing only on the actions of the few rather than on the contributions of thousands of young people working to improve their lives and their communities. This report encourages...
Summary: Serious human rights violations continue to be perpetrated against Myanmar’s ethnic minority communities. Widespread reports of forced labour, rape and other sexual violence, extortion and expropriation by Government forces continue to be...
Summary: Widespread and systematic human rights violations, grave abuses against ethnic communities, and lack of freedom of assembly and association are still the norm in Myanmar, but the international community has not responded with the...
Summary: Statement by Mr. Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmarto the General Assembly, on Thursday 27 October 2005 (agenda item 71).pdf:
Child Helpline International is charged with establishing and strengthening a world wide network of child helplines with the objective of having a child helpline in almost every country and representing the child helpline movement at the...
CARE works with poor communities in more
than 70 countries aroudn the world to find
lasting solutions to poverty. Draw strength
from our global diversity, resources and
experience, it promotes innovative solutions
and are advocates for global...
ICCYS is a specialised unit for training, research and policy analysis which focuses on the needs of children and youth in developing, transitional and developed societies. It seeks to promote the holistic development of children and youth, and...
Summary: The September 2001 issue focuses on the
topic of child labour and working children,
including articles such as – “Child labour in
Asia: A review” and “Child labour and India’s
football-making industry”.
The FOCUS Asia-Pacific Newsletter...
Summary: The report examines three of the most
widespread and devastating factors
threatening childhood today: HIV/AIDS,
conflict, and poverty.
Owner: UNICEFpdf:
Summary: 'Seen and Heard: Participation of
children and
young people in Southeast, East Asia
Pacific Events and forums leading to
following up on the UN General
Special Session on Children, May
The report presents...