Summary: Une des lacunes de nos démocraties occidentales réside dans la difficulté d’appliquer correctement les lois, d’en évaluer l’application au regard des intentions premières et surtout de traduire un certain nombre d’intention, la plupart du...
ECtHR (Belgium)
Title:Mubilanzila Mayeka and Kaniki Mitunga v. Belgium
Court:European Court of Human Rights
Date:12 October 2006
CRC Provisions:Article 3: Best interests of the childArticle 10: Family reunificationArticle 22: Refugee childrenArticle...
Summary: La proposition de loi qui renforce la répression de l’exploitation des enfants dans la mendicité a été retirée de la discussion en commission du sénat. Les sénateurs sont divisés sur ce texte, auquel s’opposent les ONG des droits de l’...
Summary: [Débat] - Le Sénat a entamé le débat sur l’élargissement de l’euthanasie aux mineurs et aux personnes atteintes de démence. [Une] émission [de la RTBF] revient sur cette réforme qui ne figure pas au programme du gouvernement, mais pour...
Summary: While the proposal has been met by strong opposition by religious groups, liberals and socialists appear to agree that age should not be regarded as a decisive factor in the event of a request for euthanasia. [11 June 2013] - The...
Summary: This report summarises the status of children's rights in Belgium vis-a-vis European human rights mechanisms.Search CRIN's ratifications table to find regional instruments to which Belgium is a party.
European Court of Human Rights
Summary: In 2013 CHI celebrates its 10 year anniversary and the collection of data from over 126 million contacts made to child helplines by children and young people worldwide. We will launch ‘CHI’s 10 Year European and EU Data Publications’ with...
According to the latest EU Youth Report, mental illnesses among young people are more common than ever in the European Union. An estimated 10-20% of young Europeans suffer from mental health illnesses, with one-fifth suffering from...
Summary: Medical experts have given evidence to the Belgian Senate as the country’s upper house mulls giving children the right to die.
[20 February 2013] -
Euthanasia has been legal in Belgium since May 2002, but under very...
we have joined together with the Center for Creative Leadership to offer participants an insight into the very latest thinking - and doing - of organisational leadership. The workshop allows participants to experience proven, practical methods that...