Summary: In North Kivu especially, internally displaced persons are "locking up or hiding their children", as they are at particular risk of being recruited by a variety of armed groups. 200,000 of them would be at risk in Goma alone according to...
Summary: Dans le Nord Kivu en particulier, les personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays « gardent leurs enfants chez eux ou les cachent », alors qu'ils sont exposés à un risque de recrutement accru dans divers groupes armés. 200 000...
Summary: The advance towards densely populated cities like Goma increases risks for the civilians and chances of forced recruitement of children, while 70,000 fear being caught in the crossfire.[19 November 2012] - As the Rwandan-backed M23...
Summary: L'avancée des combats vers des villes densément peuplées comme Goma fait courir un danger accru à la population civile, et augmente les risques de recrutement d'enfants soldats, alors que 70 000 personnes déplacées ont peur d'être prises...
Summary: UN Special Representative Leila Zerrougui reports "children have been killed and injured in the cross-fire, deliberately targeted and allegedly recruited as soldiers", calls to stop external support to the rebels and for additional...
Summary: Alors que les forces de la MONUSCO soutiennent l'armée congolaise dans son effort de réprimer la rébellion du mouvement M23, ailleurs dans la région la population manque considérablement de protection et d'aide humanitaire.[Masisi, Rome, le...
Summary: While MONUSCO forces have been supporting the Congolese army in putting down the rebellion by the M23 Movement, elsewhere in the region there is a huge lack of protection for the population.[Masisi, Rome, 14 November 2012] – Since...
Summary: A UN investigation into the human rights situation in southern Masisi in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has revealed that at least 264 civilians, including 83 children, were arbitrarily executed by armed...
Summary: Le nombre de malades mentaux est passé de huit cent soixante-neuf en 2009 à quatre mille quatre cent huit en 2012. Les jeunes de la ville de Bukavu consomment de plus en plus les drogues et les boissons fortement alcoolisées, avait indiqué...
To educate the public, the bar (lawyers), and the judiciary (judges) about the harm caused by all forms of childhood genital cutting, including female genital cutting (also known as female genital mutilation or FGM), male genital cutting (also known...