Summary: The objective of this research is to examine the relationship of corporal punishment with children’s behavior problems while accounting for neighborhood context, and while using stronger statistical methods than previous literature in this...
Summary: Despite considerable research, the relationship between corporal punishment and antisocial behavior is unclear. This analysis examined: (a) the functional form of this relationship (b) the correlation of initial antisocial behavior and...
Summary: This study had three aims: to examine the effect of corporal punishment on antisocial behavior of children using stronger statistical controls than the previous literature in this area; to examine whether the effect of corporal punishment...
Summary: The report is the first national study examining the practice of trying children as adults and sentencing them to life in adult prisons without the possibility of parole. The report is based on two years of research and on an analysis of...
Summary: This report reviews law and policy in relation
to corporal punishment and deliberate
humiliation of children in Canada and the USA.
It makes recommendations for law reform and
other measures which it is hoped will be
adopted at the...
Summary: The report calls attention to the disparity in
treatment between American and foreign girls
who are trafficked for sexual exploitation. It
serves as an “Amber Alert” as it brings
attention and calls for reform, and services to
Summary: This publication was launched to
coincide with the preparations for
the UN General Assembly Special
Session on Children. It brings
together research with World
Vision's partner communities around
the world and recommends key
Summary: This book provides a set of benchmarks of
child well-being that will illuminate the
challenges and opportunities facing the
families raising 1.8 million children living along
the Southwest border. The report focuses on
the 32 counties...
Summary: The report examines three of the most
widespread and devastating factors
threatening childhood today: HIV/AIDS,
conflict, and poverty.
Owner: UNICEFpdf:
Summary: This publication focuses on research that
assess how and why children become
delinquent, including its value in preventing
and combating delinquency. Owner: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention