Summary: The Commissioner has heard from a number of children and young people with disabilities and their parents about moving and handling. The children and young people describe feeling embarassed, humiliated, undignified and excluded because of...
Human rights apply equally to people in detention. Detained children and young people are especially vulnerable. British law and practice call into question the Government’scommitment to recognising the dignity and worth of children in...
[LONDON, 21 February 2008] - A ground-breaking new website has been developed by The Children's Society to help professionals working with disabled children and young people. The Disability Toolkit website,, is...
This paper addresses the present situation relating to refuge provision in the UK for children and young people under the age of sixteen who are away from home or care. Since 1985 a number of refuges have opened and closed in England, Wales and...
[26 February 2008] - Most adults in the UK believe that children's well-being is being damaged because childhood has become too commercial, a lifestyle poll has found. Some 89 per cent of adults in the GfK NOP survey of 1,255 people believed...
[20 February 2008] - Children and young adults are the last minority in Britain routinely discriminated against, a major study has claimed. While prejudice based on gender, race or religion has become widely unacceptable, simply being young is...
[14 February 2008] - The human rights of at least 13,500 children are being ignored when parents are imprisoned in Scotland, warned the country's commissioner for children and young people, Kathleen Marshall, last week. She said the children were...
[12 February 2008] - Smacking children, however lightly, should be outlawed because it increases the chances of aggression and anti-social and criminal behaviour in later life, a new report concludes.An outright ban would 'reduce criminality in the...
A career in the armed forces brings opportunities and risks unfamiliar in civilian life. This independent report, by David Gee, assesses whether the information provided to potential recruits enables them to make an informed choice about...
This is a policy paper which sets out the reasons why special mechanisms for a child going through the parole process should be introduced. The report, published by the Howard League for Penal Reform, argues that the lack of a child centred...