Landlocked and mountainous, Afghanistan is at the crossroads between the Middle East and Central Asia. The country’s history has been marked by continuous war and political instability since at least as far back as the 1970s. The ongoing armed...
Summary: Leaflet providing advice on how we as adults, as parents, teachers, crèche and day-care personnel can deal with children's reactions and questions on the South Asian disaster. pdf:
Summary: This is a package known as the ‘Protocol’ is annexed to the Standards that includes guidelines, forms and briefing papers that help to implement the Standards. The Protocol acts as procedure for the policy and is designed to be a practical...
Summary: Evaluation Project: evaluation of the Minimum Standards concluded that although use of the Standards significantly affected the participation of children at the Regional Consultation, Standards were not sufficiently monitored or enforced....
Summary: The Steering Committee for the regional consultations in relation to the UNVAC in the East Asia and Pacific Region has developed a series of Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children.The Steering Committee for the regional consultations...
Le Comité est en train d'examiner les rapports des pays suivant:
le Danemark, l'Afghanistan, la Biélorussie, la République démocratique populaire du Laos, la Nouvelle Zélande, l'Ukraine et Singapour...
The 18th Session of the Universal Periodic Review will take place from 27 January to 7 February 2014. Below is a list of the countries to be reviewed during the session.
Afghanistan: UPR / Wiki
Cambodia: UPR /...
Summary: The South Asian report is a new comprehensive rights-based report which, for the first time, objectively measures the extent to which the South Asian governments and non-state actors have contributed to the creation of child-friendly...
[18 September 2013] -
Sexual exploitation of boys, in particular the practice of "bacha bazi" (literally boy play) in which boys are "owned" for dancing and sex, remains one of the least talked about abuses in Afghanistan...
[17 de septiembre de 2013] -
La Comisión de Investigación de la ONU para Corea del Norte afirmó hoy que en ese país se han cometido violaciones contra las garantías fundamentales.En un informe...