This 22nd annual World Report summarises human rights conditions in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide in 2011. It reflects extensive investigative work that Human Rights Watch staff has undertaken during the year, often in close...
Summary: Police officers extended reasonable suspicion of individuals, who may have been implicated in criminal activities, to the whole community.[25 January 2012] - The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) is urging Ukrainian authorities to...
Summary: UKRAINE: President orders creation of working group to protect children from "harmful" content on Internet and TV (Russian)
Президент Украины Виктор Янукович дал поручение уполномоченному президента по правам ребёнка Юрию...
Summary: UKRAINE: Suggestions to introduce mandatory curfew for children (Russian)
Глава комитета образования и науки Верховной Рады Максим Луцкий предлагает запретить пребывание детей и подростков в общественных местах после 22:00. Об этом...
Summary: UKRAINE: Children eating expired kindergarten food (Russian)
Установленные нормы питания не соблюдались ни в одном из проверенных учреждений.
В украинских садиках, школах, больницах, интернатах и домах ребенка детям готовят еду из...
Summary: UKRAINE: Massive poisonings in schools (Russian)
Гнилые овощи, просроченные консервы, мясопродукты неизвестного происхождения. От такого ассорти взбунтуется желудок взрослого человека, что уж говорить о детях. К сожалению, этим кормят...
[24 December 2011] – Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has instructed Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Yuriy Pavlenko to set up an interdepartmental working group on the protection of children from harmful content on the...
Menu: The concept of Ombudsperson | Why establish an Ombudsperson? | An Ombudsperson for children | The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) | Why an Ombudsperson for children? | ...
Summary: The proposed bill would prohibit providing information about homosexuality to anyone living in Ukraine, including children. (NEW YORK, 16 October 2011) – The Ukrainian parliament should reject a bill that would unlawfully censor...
Summary: CRIN has launched a "Children's Rights Wiki" to bring together all information about children's rights in one place. العربيةThe aim of the project - which is in the style of a Wikipedia - is to make...