كرينميل 140 بالعربية
في هذا العدد
- قوانين الجنسية اللبناني والقطري- احدهما بالي والآخر تمييزي
- أسوأ أزمة إنسانية في العالم- اليمن
- هدم قرية الخان الاحمر جريمة حرب- الارض الفلسطينية المحتلة
- إعدام...
A footnoted version is available to download at the bottom of this page.
"We just don’t understand it: why do adults tell us the environment is so important and still treat it so badly? They care about other things like money and...
This report was submitted ahead of the 33rd session of the Universal Periodic Review as part of our campaign against inhuman sentencing of children - defined to include sentences of death, life imprisonment and corporal punishment.
This report was submitted ahead of the 33rd session of the Universal Periodic Review as part of our campaign against inhuman sentencing of children - defined to include sentences of death, life imprisonment and corporal punishment.
In Brunei...
This report was submitted ahead of the 33rd session of the Universal Periodic Review as part of our campaign against inhuman sentencing - defined to include sentences of death, life imprisonment and corporal punishment.
In Qatar, life...
CRIN made this submission in May 2018 to provide input ahead of the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law on parliaments as promoters of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The submission urges the Human Rights Council to use...
Информационный бюллетень CRIN
Выпуск №76
В этом номере:
Что такое физическая неприкосновенность?
Традиционное обрезание мальчиков
“Нормализующая” генитальная хирургия
A coalition of conservative and anti-LGBT hate groups are trying to use children’s rights as an excuse to redefine the family in Romania, in a way which will inevitably run counter to children’s best interests
For several years American...
The Child Rights International Network has become aware that Vicente Sotto III, president of the Senate of the Philippines, has cited our research on the minimum age of criminal responsibility to support his reforms that would lower this age in his...
R (A) v. London Borough of Croydon; R (M) v. London Borough of Lambeth
Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
[2009] UKSC 8
26 November 2009
Instruments cited:
Children’s Act 1989, Sections 17, 20...