[NEW YORK/GENEVA, 11 December 2006] – Eliminating gender discrimination and empowering women will have a profound and positive impact on the survival and well-being of children, according to a new UNICEF report issued on UNICEF’s 60th...
Summary: This is a report of a field visit to Sudan carried out by Julia Gilkes (Early Childhood Consultant) and Rima Zaazaa (Educational Coordinator) in October 2002. The visit's main activity was an orientation workshop on the new ECD Manual (in...
[1 December 2006] – More than 80 youth representatives from 10 West African countries attending a United Nations-backed conference pledged today to help their peers throughout the region by taking steps to improve sexual and reproductive...
[GUINEA-BISSAU, 25 October 2006] - One year after the Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS Campaign, Guinea-Bissau, today launched a pediatric treatment effort against AIDS to ensure that the needs of infected and affected children are met. From...
[DAKAR, 20 November 2006] - About one in three children in West Africa live apart from their parents, leaving them vulnerable to violence as many work in domestic service, on farms or beg on the streets, a UN expert said on Monday. Jean-...
Summary: World sanitation crisis causes millions of avoidable deaths, and contamination from human waste is largely to blame, says UNDP’s Human Development Report.[CAPE TOWN, 9 November 2006] - Simply installing a flush toilet in the home increases...
[BRUXELLES, le 23 octobre 2006] - L’excision est une pratique extrêmement dangereuse et en contradiction totale avec les droits de la femme et de l’enfant. Plan Belgique vient de publier un rapport sur cette thématique,...
[DAKAR, 17 octobre 2006] - Lundi, à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de l’alimentation, les Nations unies ont rappelé que 850 millions de personnes à travers le monde continuent de souffrir de la faim et...
Summary: This global report was launched during the week of the presentation of the UN Study on Violence Against Children in New York on 12 October. The report is part of a submission to the Violence Study.As the UN Secretary-General’s Study...
[DAKAR, le 4 octobre 2006] - L’Afrique de l’Ouest a le plus faible taux de couverture en systèmes d’approvisionnement d’eau potable et d’assainissement au monde et cette situation semble s’être d...