Global March Against Child Labour is an international movement dedicated to giving every child a chance to live and grow without the burden of exploitative work. Global March is a movement to mobilise worldwide efforts to protect and promote the...
The world’s largest landlocked country, Kazakhstan borders Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Kazakhstan, under President Nursultan Nazarbayev since its independence from the Soviet Union, remains a largely repressive and...
Summary: In Russia and Kazakhstan children are taken to intensive care after sub-standard vaccination (Russian)
В Приморском крае России по факту госпитализации двух школьниц после проведения вакцинации возбуждено уголовное дело о халатности....
Summary: In Southern Kazakhstan instead of school children go to the fields to pick cotton (Russian)
В Южном Казахстане в полном разгаре сезон эксплуатации детского труда. Дети вместо уроков ходят на поля собирать хлопок. Уроки пропускают около...
[5 September 2013] -
4.5% of Kazakhstan girls aged 15-18 are married, reports. Jun Kukita, Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Kazakhstan gave this statistic last year.The survey was made to attract...
[18 July 2013] -
A group of independent United Nations human rights experts have called on Italian authorities to facilitate the return to Italy of Alma Shalabayeva, a Kazakh national, and her six-year-old daughter who were unlawfully...
Summary: KAZAKHSTAN: MPs want to criminalize homosexuality (Russian)
Cамопровозглашенная полиция нравов Казахстана взялась за гей-сообщество. В последние несколько недель в гулких залах парламента то и дело раздаются гомофобские речи депутатов,...
Summary: CRINMAIL is a monthly newsletter in Russian language. Newsletter provides analysis of issues relating to children's rights and global advocacy efforts, as well as gives digest of news and resources from countries of Eurasia....
Summary: Child labour in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan: The research in Almaty and South Kazakhstan regions (Russian)
Исследование было проведено в октябре 2011 года в выборочных селах Алматинской и Южно-Казахстанской областей Казахстана...
Summary: KAZAKHSTAN: Authorities reveal facts of violations in children's orphanages (Russian)
Генеральная прокуратура Казахстана озвучила факты краж директорами детских домов у собственных воспитанников. Об этом на заседании коллегии...