Summary: This year's theme is 'Lead, Empower, Deliver'As the world takes stock of its efforts to address the epidemic, at least one children’s organisation was warning against spending cuts on HIV and AIDS in light of the global financial...
Although sandwiched between the Convention on the Right's of the Child's 18th and 20th birthdays, this year's Universal Children's Day, which falls on 20 November, has nonetheless been marked with a flurry of activity across...
[YANGON, 6 November 2008] - Of the 4,000 schools damaged or destroyed when Cyclone Nargis hit the Ayeyarwady Delta in May, almost half have been restored. However, according to Thierry Delbreuve, head of the UN Office for the Coordination of...
The report is based on the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children’s May 2008 visit to the Thailand-Burma border. The purpose of the assessment was to look at the educational needs of young people from Burma living in refugee...
The General Assembly,Reaffirming the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations, including developing friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,...
[TOKIO, 13 de mayo de 2008] - La Junta Militar gobernante en Myanmar reiteró hoy su negativa a permitir el acceso de cooperantes extranjeros para brindar ayuda a los miles de damnificados del ciclón Nargis, pese a la amenaza de epidemias sanitarias....
[GYO PHYU, 12 May 2008] – “We ran to higher ground when the water rose,” explained Kaung Myat, 12, standing on what used to be his family's bamboo hut in Gyo Phyu village, part of Kungyangone township in Myanmar’s southern...
Summary: This report presents an in-depth picture of children's lives in rural eastern Burma. With over 160 interviews with children, their families and communities, this report draws on personal testimony of villagers in Karen State. While there...
Thousands of children under the age of 18 currently participate in armed conflicts in at least 18 countries worldwide, as part of government armies, paramilitaries, and armed opposition groups. Since 1994, Human Rights Watch has reported on the use...
In Arabic[3 April 2008] – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has welcomed the entry into force of the first international treaty on the human rights of persons with disabilities, after the required twentieth country ratified the landmark...