Article 8: Preservation of identity

WHRIN 2014 Country Report: Witchcraft Accusations and Persecution in Nepal
9/Oct/2014 Publication
This is WHRIN's joint report with the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales and Forum for Protection of People’s...
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DISCRIMINATION : Conseil de l'Europe : Les enfants LGBTI ont droit à la sécurité et à l’égalité
2/Oct/2014 News
Le Commissaire aux droits de l'homme du Conseil de l'Europe rappelle que la persécution et la violence ont de graves conséquences pour les enfants LGBTI et les incitent à dissimuler leur identité personnelle.
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DISCRIMINATION: LGBTI children have the right to safety and equality, says EU expert
2/Oct/2014 News
Bullying and violence has a serious effect on LGBTI children's well-being and prevents openness about their personal identity, says Europe's human rights chief.
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Комиссар Совета Европы по правам человека: Дети ЛГБТИ имеют право на безопасность и равенство
2/Oct/2014 Publication
Дети ЛГБТИ (лесбиянки, геи, бисексуалы, трансгендеры и интерсексуалы) часто становятся жертвами издевательств и насилия в...
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USA: Satanists want equal access to religious information in school district
22/Sep/2014 News
Self-identified Satanist group seek equal treatment after a public school discrict in Orange County, Florida allows a Christian group to pass out Bibles to its students.
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COLOMBIA: Hundreds of children with learning disabilities sterilized every year
17/Sep/2014 News
Human rights charity states that more needs to be done to protect the sexual rights of people with learning difficulties.
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FRANCE: Parisian suburb accused of gender stereotyping over school satchels
2/Sep/2014 News
Row sparked by mayor of a wealthy suburb handing out pink bags for girls and blue for boys for new school year.
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TANZANIA: UN criticises government for segregating children with albinism
29/Aug/2014 News
Tanzania’s practice of rounding up children with albinism into government care centres criticised by UN.
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