Article 7: Name and nationality

OPT: Radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza banned by Israeli government
24/Jul/2014 News
Human rights group B'Tselem will petition Israel's supreme court after advert was deemed to be 'politically controversial'.
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TRIBUNAL EUROPEO DE DERECHOS HUMANOS: Gestación subrogada y derechos del menor
15/Jul/2014 News
A propósito de los fallos Mennesson y Labasse del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos.
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OPT: Seven children killed so far in Israeli airstrikes over Gaza
9/Jul/2014 News
Number of civilian casualties show that indiscriminate and disproportionate attack has failed to distinguish between military targets and civilians.
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AUSTRALIA: High Court grants injunction over asylum seeker boat
7/Jul/2014 News
High Court prevents the return of 153 asylum seekers, including children, to Sri Lankan authorities over concerns about their safety.  
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ASYLUM: UN agency calls for end to detention of asylum-seekers and refugees
7/Jul/2014 News
UNHCR concerned at lasting physical and psychological impacts on children placed in detention facilities upon arrival to new country.
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GPA : la FRANCE condamnée par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
30/Jun/2014 News
La France a été condamnée à deux reprises, jeudi 26 juin, par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme (CEDH), faute d'avoir transcrit à l'état-civil français les actes de naissance d'enfants nés légalement à l'étranger par mère porteuse. Le Monde, 26 juin 2014
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SYRIA: Up to 186 Kurdish students kidnapped by Isis in northern Syria
27/Jun/2014 News
 Teenagers abducted from bus while travelling from Kobani to Aleppo to take exams.
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Concluding Observations for Jordan's Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports
27/Jun/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
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