Article 40: Administration of juvenile justice

PAKISTAN : exécution d'un homme mineur au moment des faits
10/Jun/2015 News
Alors que Shafqat Hussain a obtenu un sursis, le Pakistan a exécuté Aftab Bahadur, un autre homme arrêté et torturé à l'âge de 15 ans. Il avait passé 22 ans dans le couloir de la mort.
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ARMED CONFLICT: Ban Ki-moon leaves Israel off list of countries that kill or injure children
9/Jun/2015 News
UN secretary general does not include Israel or Hamas but says number of dead and wounded Palestinian children is unacceptable. 
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PAKISTAN : nouveau report de l'exécution de Shafqat Hussain
9/Jun/2015 News
La Cour Surpême a repoussé mardi in extremis l'exécution de Shafqat Hussain pour examiner la question de son âge au moment des faits.
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DEATH PENALTY: Rights groups urge Pakistan to call off juvenile execution
8/Jun/2015 News
Shafqat Hussain is expected to be hanged on Tuesday for an offence he 'confessed' to committing after nine days of torture.  
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BRASIL: Repudio a la reforma constitucional de la edad de imputabilidad penal
4/Jun/2015 News
CRIN, junto a Defense International, Human Rights Watch, Terres des Hommes, entre otras organizaciones, le piden al estado brasileño que no avance con el proyecto de rebaja de la edad de imputabilidad penal.
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Slovenia: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
28/May/2015 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National report', the 'Compilation of UN information' and the 'Summary of stakeholder information'. Also included is the final report and the list of accepted and rejected recommendations.  
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DRUG POLICY: 'Accountability for children and young people at the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs'
19/May/2015 Publication
This paper challenges the current framework for evaluating drug policies, and presents one based on the CRC. The three UN drugs conventions currently fail to prescribe any specific measures for children and young people, and only one of these mentions children explicitly.    
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IRAN : Un mineur risque une exécution imminente
19/May/2015 News
Hamid Ahmadi, a été inculpé lorsqu’il avait 16 ans, et pourrait être exécuté de manière imminente, même si son affaire est en cours de réexamen.
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