Article 40: Administration of juvenile justice

SUDAN: UPR submission on the inhuman sentencing of children
21/Sep/2015 Publication
Our research indicates that there is a lack of clarity in Sudanese law, such that life imprisonment, corporal punishment...
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FRANCE : Deux ados partis en douce en Syrie pourraient être jugés pour « terrorisme »
21/Sep/2015 News
En janvier 2014, deux adolescents de 15 et 16 ans étaiens partis de leur propre chef en Syrie. Le parquet de Paris a rendu son réquisitoire définitif, dans lequel il demande le renvoi de A. et Y. devant le tribunal pour enfants pour « participation à un groupement terroriste ».      
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SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
18/Sep/2015 Publication
Our research indicates that in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, people may be sentenced to life imprisonment and corporal...
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ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing
18/Sep/2015 Publication
Our research indicates that in Antigua and Barbuda, people may be sentenced to life imprisonment and corporal punishment...
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DISCRIMINATION: Youth curfews and children's rights
8/Sep/2015 Publication
Summertime for children is not just about having time off school, staying up late and playing outside; it also comes with...
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UN: Children's rights and the Human Rights Committee
28/Aug/2015 Publication
While civil and political rights are recognised specifically for children in the CRC, the review by the Human Rights...
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Thu, 20/08/2015 - 17:00 Instrument
Также известны как Эр-Риядские Руководящие Принципы, принятые Резолюцией Геренальной Ассамблеи ООН 45/112 от 14 декабря 1990 года  
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