
Directives de l'ONU pour la prévention de la délinquance juvénile (Principes directeurs de Riyad)
Tue, 25/11/2014 - 17:45 Instrument
Egalement appelés les « Principes de Riyad », adoptés et proclamés par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 45/112 du 14 décembre 1990
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YEMEN: Half of children's population is malnourished as hunger worsens strife
24/Nov/2014 News
Nearly half the children in Yemen are suffering from malnutrition, the agriculture minister has said, as insurgencies, water scarcity and climate change exacerbate sectarian strife in the Arabian Peninsula's poorest state.
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Translators Without Borders
10/Nov/2014 Organisation
Translators without Borders facilitates the transfer of knowledge from one...
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Ensemble de règles minima des Nations Unies concernant l'administration de la justice pour mineurs (Règles de Beijing)
Mon, 03/11/2014 - 10:30 Instrument
Adopté par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 40/33 du 29 novembre 1985
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الأسلحة حلت مكان الاقلام في مدرسة شملان بشمال صنعاء
1/Oct/2014 News
صنعاء – أ ف ب: في مدرسة شملان بشمال صنعاء، لم يتمكن التلامذة من العودة الى صفوف الدراسة اذ حول المتمردون الحوثيون الذين...
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YEMEN: School occupied by rebels
1/Oct/2014 News
[29 September 2014] -  Back to school for young Yemenis in Sanaa on Monday was a stark reminder of why many missed classes...
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4/Aug/2014 Country
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YEMEN: Draft law seeks to reform child rights abuses
28/Apr/2014 News
Draft law which proposes to curb the problems of child marriage, FGM, child labour and the use of child soldiers, awaits approval from the country's Parliament.
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PARTICIPATION: Yemeni Children's Parliament conducts election
14/Apr/2014 News
The Children's Parliament is the national venue for children to voice their views on issues faced by children in Yemen. Through this body, they can strengthen children’s participation in decision making and advocate strongly for their fundamental rights. 
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