
Ensemble de règles minima des Nations Unies concernant l'administration de la justice pour mineurs (Règles de Beijing)
Mon, 03/11/2014 - 10:30 Instrument
Adopté par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 40/33 du 29 novembre 1985
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ROMANIA: Record million-euro payout for child AIDS victim
30/Oct/2014 News
Romanian woman who contracted HIV as a baby in hospital in 1990 will receive one million euros in compensation after a landmark court decision in the country with Europe's highest number of child AIDS victims.
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ROMANIA: Access to justice for children
22/Oct/2014 Publication
This report is part of CRIN's access to justice for children project, looking at the status of the Convention on the...
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Eurochild Annual Conference: "Children First: Better Public Spending for Better Outcomes for Children & Families"
Wed, 26/11/2014 - 09:00 Event
Eurochild's Annual Conference 2014 "Children First: Better Public Spending for Better Outcomes for Children & Families...
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20/Aug/2014 Publication
This directory, assembled by the researchers at CRIN, provides a mapping of legal clinics with a specific focus on...
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4/Aug/2014 Country
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ROMA: Romanian court rules on housing rights of Romani community
12/Jun/2014 News
Within its ruling, the court said that the eviction of Roma families violates children's right to access education.
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INHUMAN SENTENCING: Life imprisonment of children in the European Union
7/Apr/2014 Publication
A review of life imprisonment of children in the European Union.
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Primind Ajutor, Viata Este Luminoasa
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Its purpose is to offer moral, psychological, informative, material, and legal help to the families with young cancer...
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Asociatia Non Profit
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Promoting, observing and protecting child rights, especially the right to instruction and education for life, by...
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