
Ministry of Women's Rights, Child Development and Family Welfare
10/Jan/2007 Organisation
Commissioned with drafting the state report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child. It highlights steps undertaken by...
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Ile Maurice: Deux enfants bientôt expulsés de Grande-Bretagne
11/Dec/2006 News
[PORT LOUIS, 7 Décembre 2006] - Ils ont 19 mois et trois ans. Et les officiers de l'immigration de la Grande- Bretagne ont...
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Report from an Orientation Workshop in Sudan using a New ECD Manual [Arabic]
11/Dec/2006 Publication
Summary: This is a report of a field visit to Sudan carried out by Julia Gilkes (Early Childhood Consultant) and Rima...
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Human Development Report 2006: Beyond scarcity: power, poverty and the global water crisis
14/Nov/2006 Publication
Summary: World sanitation crisis causes millions of avoidable deaths, and contamination from human waste is largely to...
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Ile Maurice: Un rapport dénonce des abus contre les enfants
1/Nov/2006 News
Summary: Le document, qui comporte un état des lieux de la violence exercée contre les enfants, met l'accent sur...
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Ending Legal Violence Against Children: Global Report 2006
12/Oct/2006 Publication
Summary: This global report was launched during the week of the presentation of the UN Study on Violence Against Children...
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CRINMAIL 743: Special Edition on the 41st Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
7/Feb/2006 News
Summary: This special edition on the 41st session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (9-27 January 2006) provides...
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Committee on the Rights of the Child opens its 41st session
7/Feb/2006 News
Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child this morning opened its forty-first session by hearing an address by...
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