
Human Development Report 2006: Beyond scarcity: power, poverty and the global water crisis
14/Nov/2006 Publication
Summary: World sanitation crisis causes millions of avoidable deaths, and contamination from human waste is largely to...
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Ending Legal Violence Against Children: Global Report 2006
12/Oct/2006 Publication
Summary: This global report was launched during the week of the presentation of the UN Study on Violence Against Children...
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Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System: A Manual on Presenting Claims
27/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: This manual is a practical, hands-on guide to the procedures and substantive case law of the inter-American human...
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Annual Report 2004 of the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights
27/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: The 2004 Annual Report contains chapters on the following: legal bases and activities of the Commission, petition...
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Jamaïque: manque de volonté politique pour mettre fin à la violence contre les femmes et les jeunes filles
23/Jun/2006 News
Dans un nouveau rapport rendu public ce jeudi 22 juin, Amnesty International demande instamment aux autorités jamaïcaines...
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Child Helpline International
11/Nov/2005 Organisation
Child Helpline International is charged with establishing and strengthening a world wide network of child helplines with...
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