Holy See

CHILD ABUSE: Belgian Church wants abusers to compensate victims
12/Jan/2012 News
Summary: Over the past two years, over 500 witnesses have come forward with accounts of molestation by Catholic clergy,...
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NETHERLANDS: 20,000 children abused by Catholic priests since 1945
23/Dec/2011 News
Summary: Findings expose that senior clergy members covered up allegations of sexual abuse against children in church...
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UNITED KINGDOM: Vatican sexual abuse inquiry into Ealing Abbey given short shrift
28/Oct/2011 News
Summary: One campaigner said the announcement was a public relations exercise akin to 'putting Dracula in charge of a...
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ABUSO SEXUAL: Víctimas denuncian al Vaticano ante la Corte Penal Internacional por posibles crímenes contra la humanidad
14/Sep/2011 News
Summary: Aumenta la presión contra el Vaticano por los cientos de abusos sexuales cometidos a menores. Organizaciones de...
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HOLY SEE: Sex abuse victims take Vatican to court for possible crimes against humanity
14/Sep/2011 News
Summary: No high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering priests suspected of child abuse and...
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CHILD ABUSE: Irish prime minister accuses Pope of downplaying rape, torture of children
22/Jul/2011 News
Summary: Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has rebuked the Vatican for attempting to cover up sexual abuse in the diocese of...
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UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1959)
Fri, 20/11/1959 - 00:00 Instrument
Proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 1386(XIV) of 20 November 1959...
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HOLY SEE: Pope's new guidelines on child abuse 'are meaningless'
18/May/2011 News
Summary: The new guidelines aim to protect minors from abuse and help victims find assistance and reconciliation. Yet...
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