El Salvador

EDUCACIÓN: Un derecho de todos y todas - Reponiendo el lugar de los sujetos dentro de los análisis sobre la educación
10/Apr/2012 Publication
Summary: La educación, como herramienta básica de socialización y de inclusión social ha sido ampliamente debatida en...
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EL SALVADOR: Persistent violations of children's rights
28/Oct/2011 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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GLOBAL: Children's Rights Wiki
30/Sep/2011 News
Summary: CRIN has launched a "Children's Rights Wiki" to bring together all information about children's rights in one...
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EL SALVADOR: Children's Ombudsperson
30/Aug/2011 Publication
Summary: Information about institutions in El Salvador that monitor children's rights....
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EL SALVADOR: National Laws
8/Aug/2011 Publication
Summary: General overview of El Salvador's national legal provisions on children's rights, including guidance on how to...
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