
Report from an Orientation Workshop in Sudan using a New ECD Manual [Arabic]
11/Dec/2006 Publication
Summary: This is a report of a field visit to Sudan carried out by Julia Gilkes (Early Childhood Consultant) and Rima...
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Report of the Civil Society Forum for North Africa and the Middle East on Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Street Children
4/Dec/2006 Publication
Summary: The forum for North Africa and the Middle East wasattended by delegates from 10 countries in the region. It...
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The situation of street children in Cairo and Alexandria, including the children's drug abuse and health/nutritional status
4/Dec/2006 Publication
Summary: This Rapid Situation Assessment (RSA) of street children in Cairo and Alexandria is a project carried out on...
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A North Africa and Middle East Regional Civil Society Forum on Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Street Children
Wed, 03/03/2004 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Forum will be a mixture of field study, plenary, and group sessions focusing on street children in the...
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Violence Against Children in Egypt in the First Half of 2006 [Arabic]
23/Nov/2006 Publication
Summary: This report is issued by the Land Centre for Human Rights. It presents what has been published in the Egyptian...
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Human Development Report 2006: Beyond scarcity: power, poverty and the global water crisis
14/Nov/2006 Publication
Summary: World sanitation crisis causes millions of avoidable deaths, and contamination from human waste is largely to...
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