
Gram Bikash Sangstha
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
GBS is a non-profit, non-political and...
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Girls Orphanage Home of Bangladesh
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Network, child abuse, juvenile...
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Forum for Rehabilitation and Integrated Development Approach by the Youth
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
FRIDAY aims at achieving socio economic and cultural development of the under privileged community of the Tangail locality...
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Development Resource Centre
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
DRC is the local initiative by NGOs for...
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Darial Union Jana Kallyan Sangstha
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
DUJKS seeks to establish equal rights for men and women and raise the status of deprived families. DUJKS runs programmes...
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Community Information and Epidemiological Technology (CIET)
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
CIET is an international group of epidemiologists and social scientists who bring scientific research methods to local...
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Community Development Library
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
To provide development materials...
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Concern Bangladesh
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Concern is an Irish non-...
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Chinnamul Shishu Kishore Sangstha
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
CSKS provides outreach workers to contact and build relationships with street children. Providing six shelters and six...
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