
19/Dec/2013 Country
Landlocked and mountainous, Afghanistan is at the crossroads between the Middle East and Central Asia. The country’s...
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Children and Disasters - Advice to adults on how to deal with reactions and questions from children
2/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: Leaflet providing advice on how we as adults, as parents, teachers, crèche and day-care personnel can deal with...
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Protocol to the Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children
2/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: This is a package known as the ‘Protocol’ is annexed to the Standards that includes guidelines, forms and...
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Evaluation Project to the Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children
2/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: Evaluation Project: evaluation of the Minimum Standards concluded that although use of the Standards...
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Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children
2/Dec/2013 Publication
Summary: The Steering Committee for the regional consultations in relation to the UNVAC in the East Asia and Pacific...
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Comité des droits de l'enfant : 56ème session
Mon, 17/01/2011 - 00:00 Event
Le Comité est en train d'examiner les rapports des pays suivant:...
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Universal Periodic Review - Session 18
Mon, 27/01/2014 - 00:00 Event
  States being reviewed: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Chile, Comoros, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Macedonia, New Zealand, Slovakia, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Yemen
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The South Asian Report on the Child-friendliness of Governments
25/Oct/2013 Publication
Summary: The South Asian report is a new comprehensive rights-based report which, for the first time, objectively measures...
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