
Iceland: The Ombudsman for Children Act 1994
Translation of the law establishing the Children's Ombudsman for Iceland.
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Norway: Act establishing the Children's Ombudsman, 1981
ACT NO. 5 OF MARCH 6. 1981 RELATING TO THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN (With changes from July 17 1998)
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Sweden: The Children's Ombudsman's Act 1993
Swedish Code of Statutes no: 1993:335 Ministry public authority: Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Issued: 13 May 1993 With amendments: Up to and including Swedish Code of Statutes 2002:377
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Malta: Act establishing the Commissioner for Children
COMMISSIONER FOR CHILDREN ACT: To provide for the appointment of a Commissioner for Children with power to investigate any breaches or infringements of the rights of children. See below. 5th December, 2003
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Macedonia: Law establishing the Ombudsman 2003
Text of the law establishing the ombudsman adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia in 2003.
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Catalonia: Law establishing the Ombudsman, 1984
Deputy for the Defence of Children’s Rights Sindic de Greuges is an institution of Ombudsman or Parliamentary Commissioner, created by legislation passed by Catalonia Parliament in 1984, amended in 1989 to establish a Deputy for children’s matters. Article 34 (5) of the Statute (see below) allows, with approval of Parliamentary Commission, appointment of deputy for the defence of children’s rights.
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Moscow: Law establishing an Ombudsman for Children, 2001
Established by a law of the City of Moscow, passed by the Moscow Municipal Duma (Parliament), October 3 2001; see below.
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Madrid: Law establishing an Ombudsman for children, 1996
Regulating the institution of the Ombudsman for Children is a goal of all spheres of society concerned with offering enhanced legal security to the development of social interests and participation of minors. Since the adoption in 1989 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations, a variety of doctrinal and professional groups have pointed out the importance of searching and laying down the guarantees for the actual and effective exercise of those rights.
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