Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict

BURUNDI: Former child soldiers "languishing in poverty"
13/Apr/2011 News
Summary: The lucky ones among Burundi's 3,421 former child soldiers who went through a demobilization, disarmament and...
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MEXICO: Drug cartels targeting and killing children
11/Apr/2011 News
Summary: According to the Child Rights Network in Mexico, 994 children and adolescents were killed in drug-related...
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BURUNDI: Beaucoup d’anciens enfants soldats « traînent dans la misère »
7/Apr/2011 News
Summary: Parmi les 3 421 anciens enfants soldats concernés par le processus de démobilisation, désarmement et réinsertion ...
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PHILIPPINES: UN envoy to monitor children affected by armed conflict
6/Apr/2011 News
Summary: The UN expert on children in armed conflict is in the Philippines to monitor the implementation and compliance of...
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CRIN: Armed conflict CRINMAI 143 (Arabic)
5/Apr/2011 News
يتناول هذا العدد من نشرة كرين ميل مجموعة من القضايا : - نيبال: فتاة من الذين تحدثوا في الأمم المتحدة تتلقى تهديدات -...
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MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: Update on State crackdown on protesters
5/Apr/2011 News
Summary: Government crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters and their civil liberties persist across the Middle East and...
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SOMALIA: Recruitment of child soldiers on the increase
5/Apr/2011 News
Summary: The exact number of child soldiers is unknown, but there are between 2,000 and 3,000 children suspected of being...
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SOMALIE: Le recrutement d’enfants soldats, une pratique de plus en plus courante
4/Apr/2011 News
Summary: Face à l’escalade de violence observée dans l’ensemble de la Somalie depuis le mois de janvier, les groupes armés...
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