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ARGENTINA: Teenager who spent nine years locked in a garage rescued
17/أبريل/2014 News
A 15-year-old girl has been rescued in Argentina after being nearly starved and beaten in a garage by an adoptive family for nine years.
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АЗЕРБАЙДЖАН: Наступление на активистов Facebook
17/أبريل/2014 News
Многие в Азербайджане лелеяли надежду, что после переизбрания на новый срок в конце 2013 года президент страны Ильхам...
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SUDAN: 'They Just Stood Watching'
16/أبريل/2014 Publication
After the Darfur genocide, the United Nations sent in 20,000 peacekeepers with a single mission -- to protect the region's civilians. A Foreign Policy investigation details why they failed, and what the U.N. knew about it.
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نيجيريا: متمردون يخطفون أكثر من 100 فتاة
16/أبريل/2014 News
مايدوغوري (نيجيريا) – رويترز...
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CDE : entrée en vigueur du mécanisme de plaintes
15/أبريل/2014 News
Le nouveau Protocole facultatif à la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant (CDE) permet aux enfants de porter plainte directement auprès du Comité des droits de l'enfant de l'ONU en cas de violation de leurs droits.
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SYRIA: UN rights chief condemns rampant use of torture by Syrian forces, opposition groups
15/أبريل/2014 News
The United Nations human rights chief today condemned the rampant use of torture, including allegedly of children, in detention facilities across Syria by Government forces and some armed opposition groups.
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UNITED KINGDOM: Children’s charity condemns High Court’s anonymity cut-off
14/أبريل/2014 News
Children formerly involved in court proceedings may be named by the media once they are 18, the UK's High Court has ruled.
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MECANISMO DE DENUNCIAS: Los niños ahora podrán denunciar violaciones de sus derechos ante la ONU
14/أبريل/2014 News
El Comité de los Derechos del Niño podrá investigar los casos una vez se haya agotado la vía interna de los Estados parte o en caso de dilataciones injustificadas de los procesos judiciales
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14/أبريل/2014 News
Children can now lodge complaints with the UN about violations of their rights.
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SANTA SEDE: El abuso sexual de niños - informe
10/أبريل/2014 Publication
En el informe preliminar publicado por CRIN se traza un mapa a escala mundial del abuso sexual de niños en la Iglesia Católica. 
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