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BRUNEI: Tough Islamic penal code introduced
30/أبريل/2014 News
Despite the UN voicing "deep concern" about the planned changes, country will introduce law on 1 May, with proposed punishments including the severing of limbs for theft.  
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EUROPE: Protecting children’s rights in the digital world
29/أبريل/2014 News
This is the latest Human Rights Comment by the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights. 
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YEMEN: Draft law seeks to reform child rights abuses
28/أبريل/2014 News
Draft law which proposes to curb the problems of child marriage, FGM, child labour and the use of child soldiers, awaits approval from the country's Parliament.
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KAZAKHSTAN: All orphanages to close down
24/أبريل/2014 News
The draft law aims to have children requiring alternative care to living with families, instead of special institutions. 
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TURKEY: Three teens detained for Berkin protest during Children's Day celebration
24/أبريل/2014 News
Berkin Elvan was a 15-year-old boy who was shot with a police tear gas canister during last summer's Gezi Park protests and died after 269 days in a coma. 
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عاملات المنازل الأجنبيات في قطر: حالات صادمة من الخداع والعمل الجبري والعنف
24/أبريل/2014 News
في معرض تقرير جديد تنشره اليوم، صرحت منظمة العفو الدولية أن السلطات القطرية لا زالت تخذل عاملات المنازل المهاجرات اللائي...
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AUSTRALIA: Human Rights Commission to investigate self-harm and suicide in children
23/أبريل/2014 News
The decision responds to the fact that Australia has some of the highest self-harm and suicide rates among young people in the developed world.
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РОССИЯ: Школьные компьютеры отключат от Gmail, Facebook и Twitter
23/أبريل/2014 News
Реализация подготовленных Минобрнауки и Минкомсвязи требований к фильтрации интернета в образовательных учреждениях...
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IRAN: Four juvenile executions in four days
22/أبريل/2014 News
Human rights group says hanging of 16-year-old comes just days after execution of three other juveniles.  
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الأمم المتحدة: مجزرة جديدة في جنوب السودان
22/أبريل/2014 News
 أعلنت الأمم المتحدة اليوم الاثنين (21 نيسان/ أبريل 2014) أن مسلحين متمردين في جنوب السودان قتلوا "مئات" المدنيين أثناء...
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