According to the forensics report, each teen had been riddled with nine bullets during a riot in which beds had been set on fire in a demand for more TV time.
Local authorities have accused these children of charges related to the political situation in the country and especially during the recent escalation of protests in Bahrain.
Vatican has faced sharp questioning by UN about whether it failed to abide by an international treaty against torture in its response to the sexual abuse of children by priests.
Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme (HCDH) a exprimé mardi sa préoccupation concernant un nouveau règlement aux Maldives sur l'application de la peine de mort, qui met fin à un moratoire de 60 ans dans ce pays.
Enlevées dans leur lycée le 14 avril à Chibok, dans le nord-est du Nigeria, la plupart des 187 jeunes femmes aux mains des islamistes de Boko Haram auraient été mariées de force et emmenées dans les pays voisins, notamment au Cameroun.
Research has shown that LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in the juvenile justice system, and once in the system may receive overly harsh punishments because of biases or be placed in isolation in the name of protecting them.
UN voices deep concern about a new regulation that effectively overturns a 60-year moratorium on the use of capital punishment and allows for children as young as seven to be sentenced to death for certain crimes.