UN news

ARMED CONFLICT: Security Council sets out steps to combat violations against children in armed conflict
18/مارس/2014 News
The Security Council today unanimously adopted a resolution setting out practical steps to combat violations against children in armed conflict, as United Nations officials underscored the need to do more to ensure that children are protected and perpetrators are brought to justice.
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Le Conseil des droits de l'homme débat de l'accès des enfants à la justice
14/مارس/2014 News
Le Conseil des droits de l'homme se penche sur les mesures à prendre pour donner aux enfants les moyens de revendiquer leurs droits. Il conclut ainsi une journée consacrée aux droits de l'enfant.
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UN: Human Rights Council’s 25th Session opens in Geneva
6/مارس/2014 News
The 25th session of Human Rights Council opens in Geneva, highlighting the need for the protection and promotion of human rights for all.
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SOUTH SUDAN: Fresh fighting hampering efforts to help children, UNICEF warns
5/مارس/2014 News
Outbreaks of fresh fighting in South Sudan is likely to displace tens of thousands of additional people and is hampering efforts to help children in need, warns UNICEF.
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SEXUAL VIOLENCE: UN, African Union sign landmark agreement to curb sexual violence in African countries
4/مارس/2014 News
The United Nations and the African Union (AU) affirmed their common commitment “to put an end to history’s oldest and least condemned crime” by signing landmark agreement on the prevention of and response to conflict-related sexual violence in Africa, a senior UN official today said.
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HEALTH: UN call for information on child mortality and morbidity
22/يناير/2014 News
The UN is preparing technical guidance on this issue as a human rights concern, and wants information from NGOs by 7 February. 
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TRANSPARENCY: Russia, China and Saudi Arabia among States seeking election to the UN Human Rights Council
26/نوفمبر/2013 News
Fourteen new countries will be elected to the UN’s human rights scrutinising body next week, with France, the United...
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BENIN : Une experte de l'ONU appelle à renforcer la protection des enfants
11/نوفمبر/2013 News
Summary: Une experte indépendante de l'ONU a exhorté vendredi les autorités béninoises à inscrire la protection des...
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