Gang violence

HAITÍ: Aumenta la violencia sexual contra mujeres
7/يناير/2011 Publication
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MÉXICO: ONG - 1,066 menores muertos por narcoguerra
7/يناير/2011 News
Summary: La organización no gubernamental Red por los Derechos de la Infancia (Redim), integrada por 67 agrupaciones en...
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GUATEMALA: Asociaciones se pronuncian en contra de las leyes antimaras
23/سبتمبر/2010 News
Summary: Una veintena de organizaciones de jóvenes se han manifestado en contra de la eventual aprobación de una ley de...
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COUNCIL OF EUROPE: Promoting Action to Combat Violence Against Children
خميس, 20/05/2010 - 00:00 Event
Read a write-up of the debate's outcome here....
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UN Secretary General's Report on Violence against Children [Español]
6/ماي/2010 Publication
Summary: The UN Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children has been a global effort to document the nature,...
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UN Secretary General's Report on Violence against Children [Chinese]
6/ماي/2010 Publication
Summary: The UN Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children has been a global effort to document the nature,...
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