Child participation

So You Want to Involve Children in Research?
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: This toolkit has sections on involving children in secondary and primary research and covers ethical issues,...
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Child Participation (Roots Series)
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: The new 55 page manual on ‘child participation’ is number 7 in the Roots series published by Tear Fund. True to...
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A Fighting Chance: Guidelines and implications for programming on children associated with armed groups and armed forces
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: These guidelines reflect the combined experience and thinking of the International Save the Children Alliance...
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Ethical Approaches to Gathering Information from Children and Adolescants in International Settings: Guidelines and Resources
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: In response to a growing need for practical guidance on collecting information from and about young people, this...
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Protocol to the Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: This is a package known as the ‘Protocol’ is annexed to the Standards that includes guidelines, forms and...
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Evaluation Project to the Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: Evaluation Project: evaluation of the Minimum Standards concluded that although use of the Standards...
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Minimum Standards on Consulting with Children
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: The Steering Committee for the regional consultations in relation to the UNVAC in the East Asia and Pacific...
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Child Advocates - Supporting Children to Stand up for their Rights
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: Targeting development practictioners and all those working with children and youth, the publication discusses the...
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CATASTROPHES NATURELLES : les enfants demandent à jouer un rôle
2/ديسمبر/2013 News
Summary: Au cours d’un évènement spécial sur le thème « L’avenir résilient que nous voulons: les enfants », de jeunes...
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