Article 17: Access to appropriate information

MALTA: Gov't launches new policy to help schools address needs of trans, intersex students
16/يونيو/2015 News
Activists have welcomed the policy, which recommends an end to gender segregation in schools through things like uniforms, sports lessons, as well as facilities like toilets. 
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ENVIRONMENT: International human rights law and fracking
15/يونيو/2015 Publication
This report demonstrates how the international human rights framework can be used to initiate rights-based advocacy against human rights violations that result from the harm caused by hydraulic fracturing (fracking).
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PUBLIC HEALTH: More than one in four US children exposed to violence involving weapons
9/يونيو/2015 News
Although medical associations largely see gun violence as a public health threat, with 10,000 children killed or injured by firearms each year in the US, efforts to address gun violence from a public health standpoint have been met with considerable resistance. 
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GENDER IDENTITY: Being trans in the European Union - Comparative analysis of EU LGBT survey data
2/يونيو/2015 Publication
Research conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) found that trans persons face the highest levels of discrimination, harassment and violence amongst LGBT subgroups.  
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EUROPE: ILGA-Europe annual conference on LGBT rights
أربعاء, 28/10/2015 - 09:00 Event
This year’s Annual Conference takes place in Athens between 28 and 31 October 2015 under the theme Many voices, One...
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MEXICO: La consulta infantil
28/ماي/2015 News
En las elecciones federales se instalarán casillas para la Consulta Infantil en todo el país para hacer escuchar la opinión de la niñez y la juventud.
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DRUG POLICY: 'Accountability for children and young people at the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs'
19/ماي/2015 Publication
This paper challenges the current framework for evaluating drug policies, and presents one based on the CRC. The three UN drugs conventions currently fail to prescribe any specific measures for children and young people, and only one of these mentions children explicitly.    
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El SALVADOR: Maras han provocado la muerte de más de 300 niños y jóvenes este año
14/ماي/2015 News
Se trata de niños que están siendo utilizados por pandillas como “carne de cañón” para cometer ilícitos.
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