Article 14: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

LGBT: Slovak referendum against gay rights fails on low turnout
11/فبراير/2015 News
Conservatives failed to strengthen the existing ban on gay marriage and adoption by same-sex couples. The referendum, which would have made it more difficult to change the legislation in the future, failed due to a low turnout of far less than the required minimum of 50 percent.
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UN REPORT: Attacks against girls’ education occurring with 'increasing regularity'
10/فبراير/2015 Publication
Girls advocating for gender equality in education have been increasingly the target of violence such as killings and abductions over the last five years, research evidence from over 70 countries shows.
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NEW REPORT: Cruel, inhuman and degrading - ending corporal punishment in penal systems for children
19/يناير/2015 Publication
This report documents that 38 States, which include just under 40 per cent of the world’s children, have not fully prohibited the sentencing of children to corporal punishment by their courts and 67 States have not prohibited violent punishment of children in penal institutions. 
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HAITI: Innovadora escuela en Haití enseña a los niños en creole, no en francés
19/يناير/2015 News
En una escuela enseñan en creole y con la filosofía de que los niños deben ser vistos, escuchados y tratados con respeto.
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Convention des Nations unies relative aux droits de l'enfant
جمعة, 19/12/2014 - 12:30 Instrument
Adoptée et ouverte à la signature, ratification et adhésion par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 44/25 du 20 novembre 1989. Entrée en vigueur le 2 septembre 1990, conformément à l'article 49.
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INDONESIA: Security forces shoot dead five Papuan teenagers
15/ديسمبر/2014 News
The children were shot at a protest over the brutality inflicted by soldiers on a 12 year-old boy who had shouted at a soldiers’ vehicle to turn on its headlights while decorating a Christmas tree. 
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Egypt: Court sends 78 youths to jail for pro-Morsi protests
27/نوفمبر/2014 News
A court in Egypt has given 78 youths up to five years in prison for protesting with the Muslim Brotherhood.
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Egypt: Court sends 78 youths to jail for pro-Morsi protests
27/نوفمبر/2014 News
A court in Egypt has given 78 youths up to five years in prison for protesting with the Muslim Brotherhood.
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